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Totem And Taboo


London. UK.

Duration: 20min


Materials: Book, Deer antlers, Matches, Black gaffer tape, Razor blade, Blood, Fire.

"On 30 June 1913, Ferenczi, Jones, Sachs & Rank held a dinner for Sigmund Freud to honour his controversial work ‘Totem and Taboo’, which they called the ‘Totemic Festival’. The Freud Museum will hold a ‘Totemic Festival’ of its own, marking the centenary – Encounter contemporary explorations of the text ranging from the delicate and the profound, to the surreal and the absurd, from 30 British and international artists, performers and speakers. All set in the unique surroundings of Sigmund and Anna Freud’s final home and garden."

Curated by lili Spain. Supported by Artsadminthe Live Art Development Agency, and The Freud Museum London.

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