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London. UK.


Duration: 6hrs


Materials: Book pages, Microphone, Guitar amp, Roses, Charcoal, Black gaffer tape,

Black cotton hoodie, Black Jeans, Scissors, Candles, Matches, Fire.


"tension/Intervention/restraint explores fluid boundaries between concept, action, reception and reaction. It will be an evening of live art in which six performance artists will explore the potential of spontaneity in relation to each other and the audience through durational performances. Following principals of contact improvisation, the artists shall commence actions individually and spontaneously yet by nature of the performances and rules (created for and by each individual artist) to govern their respective works, the artists will establish an environment in which their output will inevitably clash and/or bleed into that of the others while maintaining a certain and real tension between the individual, the other and the group. The audience are free to engage with the performance(s) in any way they like, to wander around the artists, to touch them or be touched, to drink, talk, stand, sit quietly or not. Boundaries can, do and shall fall down. The event opens the possibility for spontaneity and hopes to question just how blanketing a set of rules can be, and at what point can or must they be broken?"


In Collaboration with Kiki Taira, Jenna Finch, Frank Homeyer, Bean, Lynn Lu, Poppy Jackson, Malte Beisenherz & Agnes Yit.


Documentation: Steven Kenny


tension/intervention/restraint was curated by Kiki Taira, Bean and Benjamin Sebastian for Arthur and Albert Gallery

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